Zach Bassett grew up in Colorado, drawing, writing and reading comics with his friends. While in high school, he got his start doing illustrations for local magazines, before earning his BFA in the Sequential Art Program, from the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). There, he also landed his first published sequential artwork, in their annual anthology. Zach currently resides in Texas and has done work for for companies such as – Zennescope Entertainment, Alterna Comics, Cosmic Times, Big Dog Ink, Faber Castell, ComixPlay and Bluewater Comics … just to name a few.


Arthur VII #2

Chaser Platoon TPB

From Blood #1 (of 3)

From Blood #2 (of 3)

From Blood #3 (of 3)

From Blood TPB

Takedown #1 (of 1)