As I’ve discussed in recent Cosmic Updates and video chats with Kevin LaPorte (FlatLine Comics), the state of our industry’s former top-tier distributor—Diamond Comics—is precarious, teetering on the brink of collapse. On January 14th, the once-monolithic distributor of comics, toys, games, and pop culture knickknacks filed for bankruptcy. While this was far from an ideal situation, there was initial hope that Diamond might emerge from …
Ken is an incredible artist who masterfully took over the inking duties from James for the second issue of From Blood.He was a contributing artist on Heather Antos’ Unlawful Good, penciled and inked Legends of Log for Giant Comics, illustrated the Horror/Sci-Fi novel Midnight Eternal and illustrated the children’s book Run.Ken is currently working as an illustrator with TNT Productions on Earth Team Green’s newest chapter, The Sky Princess.